[中] 近来还过得顺利吗?工作很辛苦吧?
[英] Everything goes well recently? You've been working very hard?
[方] 你甘耐以离过得好吗?
[中] 您一向过得可好?
[英] How are you getting on?
[方] 你呢,过得点啊?
[中] 你呢?过得怎么样?
[英] How are you getting on?
[方] 最近工作点啊?
[中] 近来工作如何?
[英] How about your work these days?
[方] 我系呢度过得好开心。
[中] 我在这里过得非常开心。
[英] I really had a good time here.
[方] 唔错,一切顺利。
[中] 不错,一切顺利。
[英] Not bad, everything goes smoothly!
[方] 你做过呢种工作未啊?
[中] 你从事过这种工作吗?
[英] Have you undertaken this kind of job?
[方] 你系离做野嘅?
[中] 你是来工作的吗?
[英] Do you come here to work?
[中] 我吃午饭时还打过两个电话,所以那个时候还在的。
[方] 系屋企休息一日,仲攰过上班。
[中] 在家休息一天,比上班还累。
[英] Taking a rest at home a day is more tiring than working.
[方] 工作好忙,仲要自学英语。
[中] 工作很忙,还要自学英语。
[方] 请问你系边度做野啊?
[中] 请问你在哪工作?
[方] 仲离得切吗?
[中] 还来得及吗?
[英] Is it too late?
[方] 都可以啦,唔系好忙,你点啊?
[中] 还可以,不是很忙。你怎么样?
[方] 距将甘难做嘅工作掟左比我。
[中] 他把那么难做的活丢给我。
[中] 我每天早晨八点出门,九点开始工作。
[方] 你父母呢?仲好啊嘛?
[中] 你父母呢?还好吧?
[英] What about your parents? Are they all right?
[方] 你身体最近好吗?
[中] 你最近身体好吗?
[方] 阿姨,你唔使客气啦,饮水就得啦。
[中] 阿姨,您别客气,喝点开水就行。
[方] 我细过你4个月。
[中] 我比你小4个月。