
[中] 去向老板道歉。
[英] Apologize to your boss.
[方] 我要你即刻去稳距道歉!
[中] 我要你立刻就去找她道歉。
[英] I want you to say sorry to her right now.
[方] 请问你系鹿鸣书店嘅老板吗?
[中] 请问你是鹿鸣书店的老板吗?
[方] 有无稳老板倾啊?
[中] 找老板谈了吗?
[英] Have you had a talk with your boss?
[方] 我今日向老板发左脾气。
[中] 我今天冲老板发了一通脾气。
[英] I showed temper to my boss today.
[方] 你同老板闹交?
[中] 你跟老板嚷了?
[英] Did you shout at your boss?
[方] 老板对我地好严厉。
[中] 老板对我们很严厉。
[英] The boss is strict with us.