[中] 再见,祝一路平安。
[英] Have a good journey. Goodbye.
[方] 祝你玩得开心啊。
[中] 祝你一路上玩得愉快。
[方] 再见,得闲多D离玩啦。
[中] 再见!有空多来玩儿!
[方] 一定离,再见。
[中] 一定来。再见!
[方] 你一路向前行,过左红绿灯就到了。
[中] 你一路往前走,过了红绿灯就到了。
[方] 你地一路上肯定好攰了?
[中] 你们一路上累了吧?
[方] 甘我等你,你马上离罗啦!再见!
[中] 那我等着,你马上来取吧!再见!
[方] 我要走了,我离同你讲再见嘅。
[中] 我要走了,我来向你道别。
[英] I'm leaving, so I come to say goodbye to you.
[方] 一路注意安全。
[中] 一路注意安全。
[英] Take care of yourself on the journey.
[方] 祝你系学习中取得更好嘅成绩。
[中] 祝你在学习中取得更好的成绩。
[英] Wish you a higher academic achievement in study.
[方] 祝你路途愉快。
[中] 祝你旅途愉快。
[英] I wish you a pleasant trip.
[方] 再见,我一定会再离嘅。
[中] 再见,我一定会再来的。
[英] Goodbye, I will come back again.
[方] 欢迎你再离,再见。
[中] 欢迎你再来,再见。
[英] Goodbye, and you are welcome to visit us again.
[方] 祝你心想事成,万事如意!
[中] 祝你心想事成,万事如意!
[英] May all your wish come true and everything go well!
[方] 祝你稳到新工作!
[中] 祝贺你找到新工作!
[英] Congratulations that you have found a new job!
[方] 祝你新婚愉快!
[中] 祝你新婚愉快!
[英] Wish you a happy marriage!
[方] 祝你全家幸福!
[中] 祝您全家幸福!
[英] Best wishes to your family!;Wish you a happy family!;Happiness for your whole family!
[方] 祝你旅途愉快!
[中] 祝你旅途愉快!
[英] Wish you a nice trip!
[方] 祝你学习进步!
[中] 祝你学习进步!
[英] Wish you progress in your study!
[方] 祝你事业蒸蒸日上,兴旺发达!
[中] 祝你事业蒸蒸日上,兴旺发达!
[英] Wish you a flourishing and prosperous business!