[中] 微风轻拂,秋高气爽。
[英] The breeze is sweeping gently, the autumn sky is clear and the air is crisp.
[方] 小心轻放!
[中] 小心轻放!
[英] Handle with care!
[方] 轻力D定系重力D?
[中] 轻点还是重点?
[方] 新有型一族派对系茶吧入面开,四个人边吹水,边打pae牌边讲笑。
[中] 新酷一族派对在茶吧里开,四个人边吹牛,边打扑克开玩笑,过把瘾就散。
[方] 边阵风吹左你离啊?我嘅稀客?
[中] 哪阵风把你吹来了?我的稀客?
[英] what brings you here? My rare guest?
[方] 洗头。但系唔使吹干头发。
[中] 洗头。但是不用吹干头发。
[英] I want a shampoo, but there's no need to blow dry.
[方] 我帮你吹一个细波浪。
[中] 我为你吹一个短波式。
[英] I blow a short wave style for you.
[中] 洗、剪、吹全套一共三十元,免吹的话只要二十四元。
[英] The whole set that includes washing, cutting and blowing costs thirty yuan, and only twenty-four yuan without blowing.