[中] 我代表全机机组人员祝你旅途愉快。
[英] On behalf of the crew, I wish you a happy journey.
[方] 祝你路途愉快。
[中] 祝你旅途愉快。
[英] I wish you a pleasant trip.
[方] 祝你旅途愉快!
[中] 祝你旅途愉快!
[英] Wish you a nice trip!
[方] 嗯,我地走啦。祝你一路顺风。
[中] 嗯,我们走了。祝你一路顺风。
[英] Ok, we are going. Bon voyage.
[方] 我同你介绍我嘅屋企人员。
[中] 我向你介绍我的家庭成员。
[英] Let me introduce my family members.
[中] 是的,我听说贵公司需要一个管理人员。
[英] Yes, I heard your company have a vacancy in management.
[方] 祝你玩得开心啊。
[中] 祝你一路上玩得愉快。
[方] 祝你系学习中取得更好嘅成绩。
[中] 祝你在学习中取得更好的成绩。
[英] Wish you a higher academic achievement in study.
[方] 祝你心想事成,万事如意!
[中] 祝你心想事成,万事如意!
[英] May all your wish come true and everything go well!
[方] 祝你稳到新工作!
[中] 祝贺你找到新工作!
[英] Congratulations that you have found a new job!
[方] 祝你新婚愉快!
[中] 祝你新婚愉快!
[英] Wish you a happy marriage!
[方] 祝你全家幸福!
[中] 祝您全家幸福!
[英] Best wishes to your family!;Wish you a happy family!;Happiness for your whole family!
[方] 好耐无见,我好挂住你啊!
[中] 好久不见,我很想念你啊!
[方] 我都经常想离探下你!
[中] 我也常想来看看你!
[方] 今日遇到你,我好开心。
[中] 今天碰到你,我很高兴。
[方] 祝你学习进步!
[中] 祝你学习进步!
[英] Wish you progress in your study!
[方] 我好好!你呢!
[中] 我很好!你呢!
[英] I am fine! And you!
[方] 代我向你地全家问好。
[中] 请代我向你全家问好。
[英] Please remember me to your families.
[方] 祝你事业蒸蒸日上,兴旺发达!
[中] 祝你事业蒸蒸日上,兴旺发达!
[英] Wish you a flourishing and prosperous business!
[方] 我有D小事想请你帮手。
[中] 我有点儿小事情想请您帮忙。