[中] 是什么样式的刀?有多长?
[英] What kind of knives? How long were they?
[中] 请简述一下你将如何开展工作。
[英] Please tell me briefly how you will carry out the job.
[方] 吹风,你想吹成点样嘅呢?
[中] 吹风,你想吹成什么样的?
[方] 先生,我要存钱,操作流程系点嘅?
[中] 先生,我要存钱,操作流程是怎样的?
[中] 书桌上有几本卡通书混在一叠专业书里。
[方] 咁样嘅天气好热。
[中] 这样的天气非常热。
[英] Such kind of weather is very hot.
[方] 你觉得呢度点样啊?
[中] 你觉得这里怎么样?
[英] How do you think of this place?
[方] 好似手入面有刀。
[中] 好像手中有刀。
[英] It seemed that they'd got knives in the hands.
[方] 你觉得点样?
[中] 你觉得怎么样?
[英] What do you think of it?
[方] 今年最流行咁样嘅款色同颜色。
[中] 今年最流行这样款式和颜色。
[英] It is the most popular design and color this year.
[方] 有几多啊?
[中] 有多少?
[方] 刀
[中] 刀子
[方] 听日会点样?
[中] 明天会怎么样?
[英] What about tomorrow?
[方] 闹起新房离,可想而知有几热闹。
[中] 闹起新房来,可想而知热闹得不得了。
[方] 请问北京路点样行近一D啊?
[中] 请问到北京路怎么走近一点?
[中] 我们可能会去,不过要看天气怎么样再做决定。
[方] 你地几位?
[中] 你们有几位?
[英] How many of you?
[方] 从呢度去机场有几公里啊?
[中] 从这到机场有多少公里?
[方] 你点发现嘅?
[中] 你怎么发现的?
[英] How did you find out it?
[方] 胃口点样?有无想呕?
[中] 胃口怎么样?想不想吐?