[中] 你能来吗?
[英] Can you make it?
[方] 你离得我好开心。
[中] 你能来我很高兴。
[英] I'm so glad you could come.
[中] 哪里的话!你们能来,我高兴还来不及呢!
[英] Don't mention it! I am more than happy to have you come!
[中] 我这儿少了一把叉子,你能帮我拿一把来好吗?
[英] Here is short of one fork, would you bring me one, please?
[方] 哦,你可以行呢度吗?
[中] 哦,你能走这儿吗?
[方] 你可以讲流利嘅英语吗?
[中] 你能讲流利的英语吗?
[英] Can you speak English fluently?
[方] 一切都好吗?
[中] 一切还好吧?
[英] How's everything?
[方] 有无咩好事啊?
[中] 有什么好事吗?
[英] Anything good happening?;Any good news?
[方] 我都经常想离探下你!
[中] 我也常想来看看你!
[中] 在房间里只能打市内,长途可以到总台来打。
[方] 系张先生啊,你好!
[中] 是张先生啊,你好!
[方] 好耐无见,我好挂住你啊!
[中] 好久不见,我很想念你啊!
[方] 今日遇到你,我好开心。
[中] 今天碰到你,我很高兴。
[中] 喂,请问现在能马上帮我快递一叠稿子吗?
[方] 你好!好开心见到你。
[中] 你好!遇见你真高兴。
[英] hello! Nice to meet you.
[方] 我好好!你呢!
[中] 我很好!你呢!
[英] I am fine! And you!
[方] 你最近点啊?
[中] 你最近怎么样?
[方] 都可以啦,唔系好忙,你点啊?
[中] 还可以,不是很忙。你怎么样?
[方] 你父母呢?仲好啊嘛?
[中] 你父母呢?还好吧?
[英] What about your parents? Are they all right?
[方] 你细路点啊?
[中] 孩子怎么样?
[英] How are the children?