[中] 不咳。
[英] I don't cough.
[方] 你有无咳啊?有无流鼻涕?
[中] 你咳嗽吗?流鼻涕吗?
[英] Have you had a cough? And a running nose?
[方] 有无咳啊?
[中] 咳嗽吗?
[英] Do you cough?
[方] 已经好晏了。或者我地以后再倾?
[中] 这个问题不如留到下次再谈。
[英] It would be better to leave this issue for the next time.
[中] 你应该知道我明天就需要这份报表,不是吗?
[中] 不,我已经是第四次代表公司来这里了。
[英] No, it is my fourth time to represent our company to be here.
[方] 我地个报价系离岸价,唔系到岸价。
[中] 我们的报价是离岸价,不是到岸价。
[英] Our quotation is free on board (FOB), excluding cost, insurance and freight (C.I.F).
[方] 但你睇你地个价格系唔系太高啦。
[中] 但是你看你们的价格是不是太高了。
[英] But don't you think if your price is be too high?
[中] 我们的价格也不能降到您要求的地步。
[英] Neither can our price be cut down to your request.
[方] 我认为你坚持唔降系好唔明智嘅。
[中] 我认为您坚持不降是很不明智的。
[英] I think that it is quite unwise for you to hold on the high price.
[方] 都可以啦,唔系好忙,你点啊?
[中] 还可以,不是很忙。你怎么样?
[方] 距地唔错,好好!
[中] 他们不错,非常好!
[英] They are very well!
[方] 一般,唔系好好。
[中] 一般,不是很好。
[英] so so.
[方] 时候唔早啦,我翻去先啦
[中] 时间不早了,我先回去了。
[方] 唔坐啦,我仲有D事。
[中] 不坐了,我还有点事。
[方] 唔使啦,我自己走就得啦。
[中] 不用了,我自己走。
[方] 听得明少少,但系唔识讲。
[中] 能听懂一点,但不会说。
[方] 呢位女士系未销售员啊。
[中] 这位女士是不是销售?
[方] 唔系,佢系我地嘅人事主管。
[中] 不是的,她是我们的人事主管。
[方] 佢地唔系公司嘅员工咩?
[中] 他们不是公司员工吗?