[中] 好的,需要我带些什么吗?
[英] Ok, what shall I bring along with?
[方] 请你帮我带一份今日嘅报纸。
[中] 请你帮我带一份今天的报纸。
[英] Please bring a piece of today's newspaper for me.
[中] 你要喝什么茶?泡壶柠檬红茶好吗?
[方] 你睇我买左D乜嘢比距食?
[中] 你看买点什么东西给他吃?
[方] 好嘅,我一定讲距听。
[中] 好的,我一定转告。
[英] Ok, I will tell him.
[方] 仲有咩要我帮手啊?
[中] 还有什么要我帮忙吗?
[方] 都系度考虑D乜嘢?
[中] 都在考虑什么?
[英] What do you think about?
[中] 如果还有其他事情需要我帮忙,就给我打电话。
[方] 祝你系学习中取得更好嘅成绩。
[中] 祝你在学习中取得更好的成绩。
[英] Wish you a higher academic achievement in study.
[方] 你背囊入面有D乜嘢嘢?
[中] 你背包里都有什么东西?
[英] What do you have in your bag?
[方] 一切都会变好嘅。
[中] 一切都会好的。
[英] Everything will be right.
[方] 你应该睇到好嘅一面。
[中] 你应该看到好的一面。
[方] 检查一下,D野都带齐未?
[中] 检查一下,东西都带齐了吗?
[英] Check if you get everything packed.
[方] 呢几日带比你好多麻烦。
[中] 几天来给你添了很多麻烦。
[英] I'm sorry that I have burdened you with a lot of extra troubles these few days.
[方] 有嘅,但系无带。
[中] 有的,但是没带。
[中] 我肯定忘了带雨伞,但现在已经太迟了。
[中] 婚后应该是更好的朋友。
[英] then you shall be more intimate after you get married.
[方] 你做乜要闹人啊?
[中] 你为什么要骂人家?
[方] 带埋你先生离我度玩啦。
[中] 请带上你的先生到我这来玩吧。
[英] Please come with your husband and have fun.
[方] 呢D系乜嘢嘢?
[中] 这是什么东西?