[中] 我也很好!
[英] I am fine too.
[中] 大夫,我最近总睡不着觉,胃口也很不好。
[英] Doctor, I can't fall asleep recently, I have poor appetite as well.
[方] 无问题,岩好我都要经过果度。
[中] 没问题,正好我也要经过那儿。
[英] No problem, I'll just pass by it.
[方] 宜家热闹嘅地方,夜市都好热闹。
[中] 现在热闹的地方,夜市也很热闹。
[方] 我地今季嘅系列产品质量好好。
[中] 我们这一季的系列产品质量很好。
[英] The quality of this series produced in current quarter is very good indeed.
[方] 我都经常想离探下你!
[中] 我也常想来看看你!
[方] “老广州”派对入面,几个时髦嘅老人家唔单止唱起粤剧,唱卡拉OK都好得。
[中] “老广州”派对里,几个时髦的老人家不但唱起粤剧,卡拉OK也很精通。
[方] 春天风都好大。
[中] 春天风也很大。
[英] In spring the wind blows hard, too.
[方] 你都好迷人啊!
[中] 你也很迷人呀!
[英] You are charming, too.
[方] 一般,唔系好好。
[中] 一般,不是很好。
[英] so so.
[方] 代我向你地全家问好。
[中] 请代我向你全家问好。
[英] Please remember me to your families.
[方] 我好好!你呢!
[中] 我很好!你呢!
[英] I am fine! And you!
[方] 早晨啊,陈先生!
[中] 早上好,陈先生!
[方] 系张先生啊,你好!
[中] 是张先生啊,你好!
[方] 你好!好开心见到你。
[中] 你好!遇见你真高兴。
[英] hello! Nice to meet you.
[方] 一切都好吗?
[中] 一切还好吧?
[英] How's everything?
[方] 都好好,多谢!
[中] 都好,谢谢!
[英] We are doing fine, thank you.
[方] 你身体最近好吗?
[中] 你最近身体好吗?
[方] 身体几好啊。
[中] 身体挺好的。
[方] 你父母呢?仲好啊嘛?
[中] 你父母呢?还好吧?
[英] What about your parents? Are they all right?