[中] 我能借用一下您的电话吗?
[英] Could I borrow your phone please?
[中] 张先生,能为我介绍一下您身边这位美丽的小姐吗?
[英] Mr. Zhang, could you make an introduction of this beautiful lady next to you for me?
[方] 可唔可以帮我叫一下小李啊?
[中] 能帮我叫一下小李吗?
[方] 边系边系,唔敢当。
[中] 哪里哪里,这我可不敢当。
[英] No, no, I don't deserve it.
[方] 久仰,久仰。早就听过您嘅大名啦。
[中] 久仰,久仰。早就听说过您的大名了。
[英] I've heard a lot about you.
[中] 能告诉我您的姓名、职业和住址吗?
[英] Could you tell me your name, occupation and address?
[方] 可唔可以打折啊?
[中] 可以打折吗?
[方] 将架上面嘅灰尘抹一下。
[中] 把架子上的灰尘擦一下。
[方] 征求一下父母、亲戚嘅意见。
[中] 征求一下父母、亲属的意见。
[英] I should seek advices from my parents and relatives.
[中] 请简述一下你将如何开展工作。
[英] Please tell me briefly how you will carry out the job.
[方] 呢部手机唔错,可唔可以睇下啊?
[中] 这部手机不错,可以看看吗?
[方] 你甘耐以离过得好吗?
[中] 您一向过得可好?
[英] How are you getting on?
[方] 等我一下,等一阵!
[中] 等我一下,等一会儿!
[方] 我罗去再将距煮一下。
[中] 我拿去再把它煮一下。
[方] 可唔以打折啊?
[中] 能打折吗?
[英] Can I have a discount?
[方] 无咩要担心嘅。
[中] 没什么可担心的。
[英] There's nothing to worry about.
[方] 我系我地公司嘅销售。
[中] 我是我们公司的销售。
[方] 我睇下表。
[中] 我看一下表。
[英] Let me check my watch.
[方] 唔可以乱掂!
[中] 不能乱碰!
[方] 都可以啦,唔系好忙,你点啊?
[中] 还可以,不是很忙。你怎么样?