[中] 我该给您多少钱?不用找了。
[方] 你要罗几多钱?
[中] 你要取多少钱?
[英] How much would you like to withdraw?
[方] 我应该点多谢您先好呢?
[中] 我该怎么感谢您才好呢?
[英] How can I express my gratitude to you?
[中] 小姐,这封信寄到旧金山需要贴多少钱?
[方] 点解唔讲我听应该点做啊?
[中] 怎么不告诉我应该怎样做?
[方] 我应该早D清醒。
[中] 我应该早点清醒。
[英] I should be clear about it early.
[方] 呢样野几多钱?
[中] 这东西多少钱?
[方] 票价几多钱?
[中] 票价多少钱?
[英] How much does the ticket cost?
[方] 往返票价几多钱?
[中] 往返票价多少钱?
[英] How much will the return fares cost?
[中] 你应该跳槽,我介绍你到我连襟的公司合作。
[方] 小李,头先有个电话搵你。
[中] 小李,刚才有你一个电话。
[方] 请问存几多钱?
[中] 请问存多少钱?
[英] How much do you want to deposit?
[方] 唔该你将头先嘅事仔细讲一下。
[中] 请你把刚才的事仔细说一下。
[英] Please make an account of more details about what just happened.
[方] 你应该睇到好嘅一面。
[中] 你应该看到好的一面。
[方] 时候唔早啦,我翻去先啦
[中] 时间不早了,我先回去了。
[方] 唔得,因为我想嫁比有钱人。
[中] 不行,因为我想嫁给有钱人。
[英] No, because I want to marry a wealthy man.
[中] 不是的,你乘错车了,应该乘六路车。
[英] No, you took the wrong bus.You should take the bus No.6.
[方] 我训到八点半先起身。
[中] 我要睡到八点半才起来。
[中] 回来再上上网,发几个email,直到十一点才睡觉。
[方] 比100蚊你。
[中] 给你100元钱。