[中] 李先生,您还没决定什么时候开会吗?
[方] 我要同张先生、李先生倾下。
[中] 我要和张先生、李先生谈谈。
[方] 你个朋友点解仲未离?
[中] 你的朋友怎么还没来?
[方] 咁样。你仲要D乜嘢啊?
[中] 这样,你还需要什么吗?
[英] Well, anything else?;Ok, do you need anything else?;All right, is there anything else I can do for you?
[方] 你点解仲未到?
[中] 你怎么还没到?
[英] Why are you still absent?
[方] 喂,系未小李啊?
[中] 喂,小李吗?
[中] 除了专业外,你还有什么别的爱好?
[中] 我们可能会去,不过要看天气怎么样再做决定。
[中] 昨天天气太好了,所以我们决定自己开车出去。
[方] 晚饭仲未得,要到6点半。
[中] 晚饭还没好,要到6点半。
[方] 好啦,就甘决定。
[中] 好吧,就这么定了。
[英] OK, that's settled.
[方] 我姓李。
[中] 我姓李。
[中] 这趟车什么时候开?什么时候能到达目的地?
[英] What time does the train leave? When will it arrive at the destination?
[中] 请问餐车什么时候开始供应午餐?有哪些品种?
[英] When will the dining car provide the lunch?What kind of food is included?
[方] 我想去搵李立。
[中] 我想去找李立。
[方] 我决定唔到。
[中] 我没法决定。
[英] I can not make up my mind.;I can not make the decision.
[方] 你仲去翻工吗?
[中] 你还去上班吗?
[英] Are you going to work then?
[方] 由公司决定啦。
[中] 由公司决定吧。
[英] I hope I will be treated according to the rule of our company.
[方] 可唔可以帮我叫一下小李啊?
[中] 能帮我叫一下小李吗?
[方] 减价几时截止?
[中] 削价到什么时候截止?
[英] What's the deadline for the price reduction?