[中] 我能否打扰你一下?
[英] Sorry to bother you?
[方] 我可唔可以抱下您个女啊?
[中] 我可以抱抱您的小女儿吗?
[英] Can I hold your little daughter in arm?
[中] 我手上拎着很多东西,能帮忙开一下门吗?
[英] My hands are occupied, could you open the door the door for me please?
[方] 我可唔可以借用一下您嘅电话啊?
[中] 我能借用一下您的电话吗?
[英] Could I borrow your phone please?
[方] 我可唔可以坐系呢度啊?
[中] 我可以坐在这儿吗?
[英] Could I sit here?
[方] 比个菜单你睇睇。
[中] 给你一份菜单看看。
[英] Here's the menu.
[中] 您现在有时间吗?我需要请教您一些问题。
[英] Do you have a minute? I have a question I'd like you to help with.
[方] 你一路向前行,过左红绿灯就到了。
[中] 你一路往前走,过了红绿灯就到了。
[方] 边系边系,唔敢当。
[中] 哪里哪里,这我可不敢当。
[英] No, no, I don't deserve it.
[中] 请简述一下你将如何开展工作。
[英] Please tell me briefly how you will carry out the job.
[方] 打搅晒,唔该帮我转过去得吗?
[中] 打扰了,请帮我转过去行吗?
[英] Sorry. Could you please put me through to him?
[方] 慢慢行,呢度有灯,开一开。
[中] 慢点走,这儿有灯,开一下。
[中] 他们上午来坐了一下,说下午就要离开广州。
[中] 我比你高一点,有没有比这个大一号的尺码?
[方] 顺便问一下,餐厅几点开始营业?
[中] 顺便问一下,餐厅几点开始营业?
[方] 可唔可以打折啊?
[中] 可以打折吗?
[方] 几件随机行李要称一下。
[中] 几件随机行李要称一下。
[方] 可唔以打折啊?
[中] 能打折吗?
[英] Can I have a discount?
[方] 问一下飞机嘅情况。
[中] 咨询一下飞机的情况。
[英] I want to inquire about the flight.
[方] 最好拍一下X光片。
[中] 最好拍一下X光片。
[英] You'd better take an X-ray.