[中] 是的,经理。还有什么事要我做吗?
[方] 你仲有咩意见?
[中] 你还有什么意见?
[英] Do you have any comments?
[方] 系嘅,我就系。你系……
[中] 是的,我就是。你是……
[方] 仲有咩要我帮手啊?
[中] 还有什么要我帮忙吗?
[中] 是的,我约好十点,但是我来迟了一点。
[英] Yes, I've fixed at ten o'clock, but I arrived a little bit late.
[中] 是的,我跟张先生约好三点钟见面。
[英] Yes, I have an appointment with Mr.Zhang at three o'clock.
[中] 你除了胃口不好以外,还有什么别的症状吗?
[英] Any symptom other than poor appetite?
[方] 企系门口果个系你地经理啊?
[中] 站在门口的那个人是你们经理吗?
[中] 你好,我想和贵公司的李经理约个时间见面。
[英] Hello, I'd like to make an appointment with Director Li of your company.
[方] 我听讲黄经理辞左职了。
[中] 我听说黄经理辞职了。
[英] I heard that Mr.Huang the manager had resigned.
[方] 今日过来有咩事啊?
[中] 今天过来,有些什么事啊?
[中] 把这份文件复印一份,然后签上我的名字,交给郑经理。
[方] 我听讲采购部嘅部门经理辞左职了。
[中] 我听说采购部的部门经理辞职了。
[英] I heard that the division manager of the purchasing department had resigned.
[方] 有咩公共设施?
[中] 有什么公共设施?
[方] 系啊,佢系我地经理。
[中] 对,他是我们经理。
[中] 红色的卖完了,不过同款还有粉红色的。
[中] 你好!我是徐若,张经理约了十点半见面,但我来早了一些。
[英] Hello, I'm Xu Ruo, I have an appointment with the manager Mr. Zhang at half past ten, but I come a little earlier.
[中] 比如,我要到市中心,有什么车可以坐?
[方] 仲有半个钟,时间好充足。
[中] 还有半个小时,时间很充裕。
[方] 你有咩爱好吗?
[中] 你有什么爱好吗?
[英] Do you have any hobbies?