[中] 你星期三能帮我代半天班吗?
[英] Could you cover for me for a half day on Wednesday?
[中] 你能帮我翻译一下这篇文章吗?
[英] Could you translate this article for me?
[方] 你可唔可以帮我买一个饭盒啊?
[中] 你能帮我买一份盒饭吗?
[英] Could you help me buy a takeaway?
[中] 我这儿少了一把叉子,你能帮我拿一把来好吗?
[英] Here is short of one fork, would you bring me one, please?
[中] 你能帮我把这份材料送到复印室去吗?
[英] Can you help me send this material to the copy room?
[方] 星期三
[中] 星期三
[方] 可唔可以帮我叫一下小李啊?
[中] 能帮我叫一下小李吗?
[方] 到落班时间了。
[中] 到下班的时间了。
[英] Time for coming off duty.
[方] 上、落班高峰果时逼。
[中] 上、下班高峰时拥挤。
[英] It would be crowded at rush-hour.
[方] 最后一班系十点半。
[中] 最后一班是十点半。
[英] The last bus arrives at half past ten.
[方] 我地屋企系四代同堂。
[中] 我们家是四世同堂。
[英] We have four generations living under one roof.
[中] 请问这趟专线车多久一班?半个小时。
[方] 甘我地就去食新素代。
[中] 那我们就去吃新素代。
[方] 代我向你地全家问好。
[中] 请代我向你全家问好。
[英] Please remember me to your families.
[方] 您可唔可以帮我一下啊?
[中] 您能帮我一下吗?
[英] Could you give me a hand?
[方] 代我向你全家问好。
[中] 请代我向您全家问好。
[英] Please remember me to your family.
[方] 要帮你再按摩一下吗?
[中] 要帮你再按摩一下吗?
[方] 你地帮唔帮D小朋友剪发啊?
[中] 你们给小孩剪发吗?
[英] Do you cut the kids'hair?
[方] 边个可以帮我罗一下只杯?
[中] 谁能帮我拿一下杯子?
[英] Who can fetch me the cup?
[方] 哦,你可以行呢度吗?
[中] 哦,你能走这儿吗?