[中] 不行,绝对不行。
[英] No, absolutely not.
[方] 你有D素质得唔得啊!
[中] 你有点素质行吗!
[方] 你无离搞搞震得唔得?
[中] 你别来捣蛋可以吗?
[方] 唔得,我唔可能做折本生意。
[中] 不行,我不能做赔本生意。
[方] 绝对唔可以横蛮。
[中] 绝不能蛮横。
[英] We shouldn't behave in a rude and unreasonable manner.
[方] 工作中绝对唔可以闹人、嘈交。
[中] 工作中绝不能骂人、吵架。
[英] We shouldn't abuse and quarrel at work.
[方] 甘贵!再平D得唔得啊?
[中] 这么贵!可以再便宜点吗?
[中] 每月2千元,每周1天休息,行吗?
[方] 睇怕唔得。
[中] 恐怕不行。
[英] No way, I'm afraid.
[方] 唔得,我仲要换D散纸。
[中] 不行,我还要换些零钱。
[英] No, I would like to exchange some money.
[方] 唔得,因为我想嫁比有钱人。
[中] 不行,因为我想嫁给有钱人。
[英] No, because I want to marry a wealthy man.
[方] 唔得啊,我已经另外有约啦。
[中] 那不行,我已经另外有约了。
[英] I can't, I have an appointment with someone else.
[方] 我六点半去你屋企接你,得唔得啊?
[中] 我六点半到你家接你,可以吗?
[英] Is it ok that I pick you up at your house at 6:30?
[方] 听朝九点半,得唔得?
[中] 明天上午九点半,可以吗?
[英] How about 9:30 tomorrow morning?
[方] 我用信用卡找数得唔得啊?
[中] 我用信用卡结帐行吗?
[方] 你呢,过得点啊?
[中] 你呢?过得怎么样?
[英] How are you getting on?
[方] 晚饭仲未得,要到6点半。
[中] 晚饭还没好,要到6点半。
[方] 我做得太求其了。
[中] 我做得太潦草了。
[方] 你最忙近唔忙啊?
[中] 你最近忙吗?
[方] 都可以啦,唔系好忙,你点啊?
[中] 还可以,不是很忙。你怎么样?