[中] 我很好!
[英] I am fine!
[方] 我好好!你呢!
[中] 我很好!你呢!
[英] I am fine! And you!
[方] 多谢你,我好好。
[中] 谢谢您,我很好。
[英] Fine, thank you.
[方] 我都好好!
[中] 我也很好!
[英] I am fine too.
[中] 昨天天气太好了,所以我们决定自己开车出去。
[方] 都好好,多谢!
[中] 都好,谢谢!
[英] We are doing fine, thank you.
[方] 距地唔错,好好!
[中] 他们不错,非常好!
[英] They are very well!
[方] 今日天气好好。
[中] 今天天气好。
[方] 我地双方都做D让步啦。
[中] 我们双方都做些让步吧。
[英] Let us make mutual concessions.
[中] 这是我们的最低报价,不能再让了。
[英] This is our lowest quotation we can offer.
[中] 你身体一直非常好,怎么突然住院了?
[方] 但系,宜家好好多了。
[中] 但是,现在好多了。
[英] However, it's getting a lot better.
[中] 如果你们提前交货,我们就接受这个价格。
[英] We'll accept this price if you deliver the goods ahead of time.
[方] 我地可唔可以签个合同?
[中] 我们可否签个合同?
[英] Can we sign a contract?
[方] 呢件你着得好好睇。
[中] 这件你穿着很好看。
[英] You look beautiful in this one.
[方] 再好好搵一搵。
[中] 再好好找一找。
[英] Let's look for it carefully again.
[中] 这份是我们拟的合同,请您仔细过目。
[英] This is our proposed contract.Please look it over carefully.
[方] 我地谈判嘅内容都写左入去啦。
[中] 我们谈判的内容都写进去啦。
[英] The content of our negotiations are all included.
[方] 天气好好。
[中] 天气好好。
[英] The weather is fine.
[方] 好好,多谢你。
[中] 很好,谢谢你。
[英] All right, thank you.