[中] 我来付吧。我们要收百分之五的服务费。
[英] Let me pay it. We ask a service charge of five percent of the meal.
[方] 我离比钱,呢次我请。
[中] 我来付钱,这次我做东。
[英] It's on me, and it's my shout.
[中] 有的,起飞半小时后我们会为您送上。
[英] Yes, it will be served about half an hour after we take off.
[中] 先生,我们要结帐。请给我帐单。
[英] Sir, we want to pay the bill, get it to me, please.
[中] 就我们两个人,没有预订。请跟我来。
[中] 我们要回去了,你托我们的事情一定放在心上。
[方] 我要走了,我离同你讲再见嘅。
[中] 我要走了,我来向你道别。
[英] I'm leaving, so I come to say goodbye to you.
[方] 我离自广州。
[中] 我来自广州。
[方] 我地要住三晚。
[中] 我们要住三晚。
[方] 唔系,我离自广州。
[中] 不是,我来自广州。
[方] 你地要饮咩酒?
[中] 你们要喝什么酒?
[英] Would you like anything to drink?
[方] 我离做个自我介绍。
[中] 我来做个自我介绍。
[英] Let me introduce myself.
[方] 警官,我离报案。
[中] 警官,我来报案。
[英] I want to report a case, officer.
[方] 我地要去越秀公园。
[中] 我们要到越秀公园。
[中] 真高兴能到你家做客,谢谢你邀请我来。
[英] It's a great pleasure to visit your family, thanks for your invitation.
[方] 甘我地去其他地方再睇睇啦。
[中] 那我们到别的地方再去看看。
[方] 两位,我地住标准房啦,几钱一晚?
[中] 两位,我们住标准房吧,多少钱一个晚上?
[方] 我地已经唔同爸爸妈妈一齐住啦。
[中] 我们跟爸爸妈妈已经不在一起吃住了。
[中] 周六我要和几个朋友去郊游,你也一起来吧。
[英] I'll go for an outing with my friends this Saturday, you can come with us.
[方] 我地要珍惜时间。
[中] 我们要珍惜时间。
[英] We should take/cherish our time.