[中] 我给您补办一张存折,您稍等一会儿。
[英] I'll make up a passbook for you, wait a moment.
[方] 对唔住,我想开一张新存折。
[中] 对不起,我想开一张新存折。
[方] 咁样啦,我开一张活期存折。
[中] 那这样吧,我开一张活期存折。
[英] All right, I open a passbook.
[中] 请给我您的存折、身份证,还要五块钱工本费。
[英] Please give me your passbook, I.D.card, and also five yuan of paperwork fee.
[中] 请填一张取款单,我才能为您结束这个帐户。
[英] Please fill out a withdrawal slip,so that I can close this account for you.
[中] 如果您常来的话,可以办一张美容月卡。
[英] If you come frequently, you could apply for a hairdressing month card.
[方] 呢几日带比你好多麻烦。
[中] 几天来给你添了很多麻烦。
[英] I'm sorry that I have burdened you with a lot of extra troubles these few days.
[方] 活期存折可以自由存取,比较方便。
[中] 活期存折可以自由存取,比较方便。
[英] The passbook can save and withdraw freely, it's convenient.
[方] 挂失存折要乜嘢手续啊?
[中] 挂失存折需要哪些手续?
[英] What is needed to report the loss of passbook?
[方] 唔该将呢个芭比公仔带比你嘅细路。
[中] 请把这个芭比娃娃带给你的孩子。
[方] 要一张夜航嘅票价可以打5折吗?
[中] 要一张夜航的票价可以打对折吗?
[中] 我要寄钱给我妈妈,给我一张寄款单可以吗?
[方] 唔好意思,无几时回信比你。
[中] 很抱歉,没有及时给你回信。
[英] I'm sorry for not writing you back in time.
[方] 呢个系你嘅存折。
[中] 这是你的存折。
[英] This is your passbook.
[方] 请问几钱一张票啊?
[中] 请问多少钱一张票?
[英] How much does a ticket cost, please?
[方] 请收好你嘅身份证同存折。
[中] 请收好你的身份证和存折。
[英] Please take care of your ID card and passbook.
[方] 呢个系你嘅存折,请收好。
[中] 这是您的存折,请拿好。
[英] Here's your bankbook, please keep it.
[方] 一蚊一张。
[中] 一元一张。
[英] One yuan for one.
[方] 好耐无写信比你。
[中] 好久没有给你写信了。
[英] It's been a while that I haven't written to you.
[方] 张阿姨,我离左啦。
[中] 张阿姨,是我来了。