[中] 请问您还记得存折的帐号和密码吗?
[英] May I ask if you still remember the account number and password?
[中] 请问你们几位是美国贸易代表团的吗?
[方] 请问你系鹿鸣书店嘅老板吗?
[中] 请问你是鹿鸣书店的老板吗?
[中] 除了专业外,你还有什么别的爱好?
[方] 仲记唔记得我上次同你讲嘅果件事?
[中] 还记得我上次跟你说的事吗?
[英] Do you remember what I told you last time?
[方] 请问你贵姓啊?
[中] 请问你贵姓?
[方] 你仲去翻工吗?
[中] 你还去上班吗?
[英] Are you going to work then?
[方] 请问你系边度做野啊?
[中] 请问你在哪工作?
[方] 对唔住,我想开一张新存折。
[中] 对不起,我想开一张新存折。
[方] 活期存折可以自由存取,比较方便。
[中] 活期存折可以自由存取,比较方便。
[英] The passbook can save and withdraw freely, it's convenient.
[方] 唔好唔记得写邮政编码!
[中] 别忘了写邮政编码!
[中] 别忘了给我打电话。这么快就走,太可惜了。
[方] 咁样啦,我开一张活期存折。
[中] 那这样吧,我开一张活期存折。
[英] All right, I open a passbook.
[方] 你仲有乜野特长啊?
[中] 你还有什么特长?
[英] Do you have any other specialities?
[方] 挂失存折要乜嘢手续啊?
[中] 挂失存折需要哪些手续?
[英] What is needed to report the loss of passbook?
[方] 记得多D离探我。
[中] 记得常来看我。
[英] Remember to come to see me often.
[方] 无唔记得要桶纯净水。
[中] 别忘了要桶纯净水。
[英] Don't forget to get a bucket of purified water.
[方] 请问你系边位啊?
[中] 请问你是哪位呀?
[英] Who's speaking? Please.
[方] 乜都唔记得了。
[中] 什么也记不清了。
[英] I could not remember anything.
[方] 你仲唔快去!
[中] 你还不快去!
[英] Hurry up!