[中] 请问如何凭汇款单取钱?
[英] How can I cash this money order please?;Excuse me, how can I have my postal order cashed?
[中] 活期取款的话,你可以随时用硬卡取钱。
[中] 你可以到有“银联”标志的ATM机里取钱。
[中] 我还有张汇款单,是在你这领钱吗?
[中] 一星期后凭身份证领取提款卡和密码信封。
[英] Go and get your cash card and envelope of password by your I.D. card one in one week.
[方] 仲有件事就系马上去银行罗D钱。
[中] 还有件事就是马上到银行里去取些钱。
[方] 最近工作点啊?
[中] 近来工作如何?
[英] How about your work these days?
[方] 气温点啊?
[中] 气温如何?
[英] How is the temperature?
[中] 请简述一下你将如何开展工作。
[英] Please tell me briefly how you will carry out the job.
[方] 我想罗D钱。
[中] 我想取些钱。
[英] I would like to get some money.
[方] 你要罗几多钱?
[中] 你要取多少钱?
[英] How much would you like to withdraw?
[方] 请问你贵姓啊?
[中] 请问你贵姓?
[方] 请问你系边度做野啊?
[中] 请问你在哪工作?
[中] 我们派人在半个小时里去你那取快递。
[方] 甘我等你,你马上离罗啦!再见!
[中] 那我等着,你马上来取吧!再见!
[方] 请问,呢位女士系边位啊?
[中] 请问,这位女士是谁?
[方] 请问依家几点?
[中] 请问,现在几点?
[中] 闹市中心创造出新的天地,闹中取静,又创新又怀旧。
[方] 我罗500蚊。
[中] 我取500元整。
[方] 请问850号系边度啊?
[中] 请问850号在哪?