[中] 请问如何凭汇款单取钱?
[英] How can I cash this money order please?;Excuse me, how can I have my postal order cashed?
[方] 你好,请问入钱定系罗钱啊?
[中] 你好,请问存款还是取款?
[英] Hello, do you need to deposit or withdraw?
[中] 我还有张汇款单,是在你这领钱吗?
[方] 我准备罗钱买票。
[中] 我准备拿钱买票……
[中] 一星期后凭身份证领取提款卡和密码信封。
[英] Go and get your cash card and envelope of password by your I.D. card one in one week.
[中] 活期取款的话,你可以随时用硬卡取钱。
[方] 请问依家几点?
[中] 请问现在几点了?
[英] Could I have the time please?
[中] 你可以到有“银联”标志的ATM机里取钱。
[方] 请问下一趟去深圳嘅列车几点发车?
[中] 请问下一趟到深圳的列车几点发车?
[英] What time will the next train to Shenzhen leave, please?
[方] 对唔住,请问吉之岛点去啊?
[中] 对不起,请问吉之岛怎么走?
[英] Excuse me, how can I get to the Jusco?
[方] 我想罗D钱。
[中] 我想取些钱。
[英] I would like to get some money.
[方] 唔该去自动取款机罗。
[中] 请到自动取款机。
[英] Please go to automatic teller machines.
[方] 我罗500蚊。
[中] 我取500元整。
[方] 你知道戴敏考成点吗?
[中] 你知道戴敏考的怎么样吗?
[方] 点解高考成绩唔好?
[中] 为什么高考成绩不好?
[英] Why did I failed in the college entrance examination?
[方] 边个可以帮我罗一下只杯?
[中] 谁能帮我拿一下杯子?
[英] Who can fetch me the cup?
[方] 请问你贵姓啊?
[中] 请问你贵姓?
[方] 请问你系边度做野啊?
[中] 请问你在哪工作?
[方] 小王,将寻日签嘅合同罗比我。
[中] 小王,把昨天签的合同拿来给我。
[英] Xiaowang, get me the contract signed yesterday.
[方] 我应该早D清醒。
[中] 我应该早点清醒。
[英] I should be clear about it early.