[中] 合同由我方与贵方各保存一份。
[英] Each side will save a copy of the contract.
[中] 对不起,我们无法接受你方的报价。
[英] Sorry, we cannot accept your quotation.
[中] 我想再跟你谈谈有关那个新项目的事儿。
[英] I would like to talk with you about that new project once more.
[中] 这份是我们拟的合同,请您仔细过目。
[英] This is our proposed contract.Please look it over carefully.
[方] 我同你地介绍下。
[中] 我来给你们介绍下。
[方] 唔该将呢份文件交比小方。
[中] 请把这份文件交给小方。
[英] Please forward this file to Xiaofang.
[中] 每公里人民币2.4元钱,由计价器打印发票。
[方] 由公司决定啦。
[中] 由公司决定吧。
[英] I hope I will be treated according to the rule of our company.
[方] 小王,将寻日签嘅合同罗比我。
[中] 小王,把昨天签的合同拿来给我。
[英] Xiaowang, get me the contract signed yesterday.
[方] 我地可唔可以签个合同?
[中] 我们可否签个合同?
[英] Can we sign a contract?
[中] 大约四、五十分钟,要看堵车的情况而定。
[方] 距地两位现在好忙,唔想同你倾。
[中] 他们两位现在很忙,不想跟你谈。
[方] 已经准备左合同文本。
[中] 已经准备了合同文本。
[英] The contract wording has been prepared.
[中] 真叫看人挑担不吃力,我和你换一换好吗?
[方] 同你倾计好开心。
[中] 很高兴和你谈话。
[英] I'm glad to talk with you.
[中] 是的,我跟张先生约好三点钟见面。
[英] Yes, I have an appointment with Mr.Zhang at three o'clock.
[中] 通知广告部,找个时间和业务部开个会。
[中] 那很好。有什么问题的话,随时和我保持联系。
[中] 我们的价格也不能降到您要求的地步。
[英] Neither can our price be cut down to your request.
[方] 我认为你坚持唔降系好唔明智嘅。
[中] 我认为您坚持不降是很不明智的。
[英] I think that it is quite unwise for you to hold on the high price.