[中] 我想要更新这几个档案。
[方] 我想要件黑色嘅。
[中] 我想要件黑色的。
[英] I want a black one.
[方] 我想要一间安静D嘅单人房。
[中] 我想要一间安静些的单人房。
[中] 这几年我一直努力工作。
[英] I've been working hard all these years.
[方] 请问呢趟车要晏几个钟啊?
[中] 请问这趟车要晚点几个小时?
[英] How many hours will the train be delayed, please?
[方] 我想要D阿司匹林。
[中] 我想要些阿斯匹林。
[英] I want some aspirin.
[方] 呢几本书应该点寄?
[中] 这几本书该怎么寄?
[英] How should I send these books?
[方] 医生,我呢几日好唔舒服。
[中] 医生,我这几天很不舒服。
[英] Doctor, I've been feeling under the weather these days.
[中] 回来再上上网,发几个email,直到十一点才睡觉。
[中] 我想再跟你谈谈有关那个新项目的事儿。
[英] I would like to talk with you about that new project once more.
[方] 你想要长一D定系短一D啊?
[中] 你想要长一点还是短一点?
[方] “老广州”派对入面,几个时髦嘅老人家唔单止唱起粤剧,唱卡拉OK都好得。
[中] “老广州”派对里,几个时髦的老人家不但唱起粤剧,卡拉OK也很精通。
[中] 婚后,你们会要小孩吗?
[英] Do you want to have a baby after marriage?
[方] 有几个人?
[中] 有几个人?
[英] How many were they?
[方] 我谂大家会好欢迎你嘅意见嘅。
[中] 我想大家会很欢迎你的意见的。
[英] I think everyone is willing to take your suggestion.
[方] 你想要嘅清洁剂已经卖晒了。
[中] 你想要的清洁剂已经卖完了。
[方] 你屋企有几个人啊?
[中] 你家有几口人?
[英] How many members are there in your family?
[方] 我考虑下。应该冇问题。
[中] 我想想。应该没什么问题。
[英] Let me see. There should be no problem.
[中] 我想问下贵公司是否有空缺的职位。
[英] I want to know if there are any job vacancies in your company.
[方] 火车从广州到郑州要几个钟啊?
[中] 从广州火车到郑州需几个小时?