[中] 请你查查看高先生这会儿是否有时间。
[英] Please check if Mr.Gao has time this moment.
[中] 请你转达李民先生,说我十点钟打过电话给他。
[中] 先生,请你自我介绍一下,有些什么专长?
[方] 你睇下呢对鞋岩唔岩。
[中] 你看这双鞋是否合适。
[英] Please try this pair of shoes on to see whether they fit.
[中] 王先生,您好!明天早上我请您喝早茶,好吗?
[英] Hello, Mr. Wang! I want to invite you to morning tea, is it OK with you?
[中] 我想问下贵公司是否有空缺的职位。
[英] I want to know if there are any job vacancies in your company.
[中] 北京路商圈高中低档商品俱全,错位经营。
[中] 不像有些男孩子,长得又瘦又高,像根豆芽。
[中] 他的工资很高,工作时间也相当理想。
[中] 即使我拿不到高工资,我也不敢放弃这个饭碗。
[方] 我有D小事想请你帮手。
[中] 我有点儿小事情想请您帮忙。
[中] 休闲要休得过瘾,休出情调品位高水平。
[方] 天空好蓝,好高。
[中] 天空很蓝,很高。
[方] 唔该你指一下路比我睇.
[中] 请你给我指一下。
[方] 其实你换个发型更加好睇。
[中] 其实您换个发型会更好看。
[英] In fact, you will look prettier if you try a different hairstyle.
[中] 先生,请出示护照或身份证,让我登记一下。
[方] 请问我几时先可以见到赵先生啊?
[中] 请问我什么时候才能见到赵先生?
[英] Could I ask when I can get to see Mr. Zhao?
[方] 就照你讲嘅试下啦。你要洗头吗?
[中] 就照你说的试试看。您要洗头吗?
[英] Have a try as you said. Do you want a wash of shampoo?
[中] 自动提款机的屏幕上有提示,您一看就会用了。
[英] The prompt will appear on the screen of ATM, you will know how to operate just reading it for a while.
[中] 先生,我们要结帐。请给我帐单。
[英] Sir, we want to pay the bill, get it to me, please.