[中] 这星期
[方] 今日星期几?
[中] 今天星期几?
[英] What day is today?
[方] 我系医院住左几个星期。
[中] 我在医院住了几个星期。
[中] 下个星期除了一三有事,其他日子我都有空。
[方] 我想要更新呢几个档案。
[中] 我想要更新这几个档案。
[中] 这是一个认识同行和联系业务的好机会。
[英] It is a good opportunity to know some friends of the our field and to do business with them.
[中] 每月2千元,每周1天休息,行吗?
[方] 今日星期几?
[中] 今天是星期几?
[英] What day is it today?
[方] 我地今季嘅系列产品质量好好。
[中] 我们这一季的系列产品质量很好。
[英] The quality of this series produced in current quarter is very good indeed.
[方] 好嘅,余先生。呢张系询价单。
[中] 好的,余先生。这是询价单。
[英] Fine, Mr. Yu. This is the inquiry sheet.
[方] 上个星期
[中] 上星期
[方] 下个星期
[中] 下星期
[方] 呢几种产品都系目前市场上畅销嘅。
[中] 这几种产品都是目前市场上畅销的。
[英] These kinds of products sell well in current market.
[中] 这是我们的最低报价,不能再让了。
[英] This is our lowest quotation we can offer.
[方] 我坚持每个星期爬两次山。
[中] 我坚持每周爬两次山。
[英] I am used to climbing mountains twice a week.
[方] 大约一个星期。
[中] 大约一个星期。
[英] About one week.
[中] 这份是我们拟的合同,请您仔细过目。
[英] This is our proposed contract.Please look it over carefully.
[方] 今日系星期几?
[中] 今天是星期几?
[英] What day is it today?
[中] 一星期后凭身份证领取提款卡和密码信封。
[英] Go and get your cash card and envelope of password by your I.D. card one in one week.
[中] 是的。他今天给了公司提前二周的通知。
[英] Yes. He informed the company of it today two weeks earlier.