[中] 这些天天气变化很快,请多保重身体。
[英] The weather is changing fast lately, please take care.
[方] 但天气变化好大。
[中] 但天气变化很大。
[英] But the weather has changed dramatically.
[方] 呢几日带比你好多麻烦。
[中] 几天来给你添了很多麻烦。
[英] I'm sorry that I have burdened you with a lot of extra troubles these few days.
[方] 医生,我呢几日好唔舒服。
[中] 医生,我这几天很不舒服。
[英] Doctor, I've been feeling under the weather these days.
[方] 呢几日一直愁眉苦脸。
[中] 这些天一直愁眉苦脸。
[英] He has been wearing a sad face all these days.
[中] 昨天天气太好了,所以我们决定自己开车出去。
[方] 寻日天气点啊?
[中] 昨天天气怎么样?
[英] How was the weather yesterday?
[方] 气温升得好快。
[中] 气温升得很快。
[英] Temperatures rose rapidly.
[方] 你好快就会好嘅啦+F1620。
[中] 你很快就会好的。
[英] You will get well soon.
[方] 听日天气好唔好啊?
[中] 明天天气会好吗?
[方] 痛左几日啦?你以前有无胃病嘅?
[中] 痛了几天了?你以前有胃病吗?
[中] 广州那么繁荣,主要是一百六十年前开埠以后发生的变化。
[中] 这几年我一直努力工作。
[英] I've been working hard all these years.
[方] 你唔可以住多几日咩?
[中] 你不能多住几天吗?
[英] Couldn't you stay for another few days?
[方] 你翻乡住左几日啊?
[中] 你回家乡住了多少天?
[方] 天气预报话,今日傍晚有雷阵雨。
[中] 天气预报说,今天傍晚有雷阵雨。
[中] 广州夏天最高温度要三十八九度,真快热死了!
[方] 快一D啦!
[中] 快一点吧!
[方] 天气一日冻过一日。
[中] 天气一天比一天冷。
[方] 今日系几月几号?
[中] 今天是几月几日?
[英] What is the date today?