[中] 这种发型不适合我的年龄。
[英] This hairstyle is not suitable for my age.
[方] 呢种发型好岩你嘅面型。
[中] 这种发型很适合您的脸型。
[英] This hairstyle fits your face very well.
[方] 小姐,你原来个发型唔系好岩你啊。
[中] 小姐,你原来的发型并不太适合你。
[英] Miss,your former hairstyle doesn't fit for you.
[方] 总之,都系我唔岩。
[中] 总之,都是我不对。
[英] It is all my fault anyhow.
[方] 呢种系法国最好嘅香水。
[中] 这是法国最好的香水。
[英] It's the best perfume in France.;There could not be a better perfume in France.
[方] 你睇下呢对鞋岩唔岩。
[中] 你看这双鞋是否合适。
[英] Please try this pair of shoes on to see whether they fit.
[方] 你呢种情况几多日啦?
[中] 你这种情况有几天了。
[英] How long have you got this symptom?
[方] 你做过呢种工作未啊?
[中] 你从事过这种工作吗?
[英] Have you undertaken this kind of job?
[中] 我要一份奶油蘑菇汤。我的菜里请别加太多糖。
[英] I want a cream of mushroom soup. Don't add too much sugar to my dish, please.
[方] 我想换个发型,你有咩建议?
[中] 我想换个发型,你有什么建议?
[英] I want to change my hairstyle. What would you suggest?
[方] 我想电个新发型。
[中] 我想烫个新发型。
[英] I want to perm a new hairstyle.
[方] 我净系带左一D衫同我嘅手提电脑。
[中] 我只带了一些衣物和我的笔记本电脑。
[英] The only things I brought were my own clothes and my notebook computer.
[方] 你呢种人太衰啦!
[中] 你这种人太差劲了!
[方] 最近流行点样嘅发型啊?
[中] 最近流行什么样的发型?
[英] Which hairstyle is popular recently?
[方] 你个发型做得唔错。
[中] 你的发型做的不错。
[方] 呢种比果种颜色深一D。
[中] 这种比那种颜色深一点。
[方] 每种利息都有唔同。
[中] 每种利息也不同。
[英] Each type with different interest.
[方] 我嘅细路都要买票啊?
[中] 我的孩子也要买票吗?
[中] 昨天我正要出门时,他回来了。
[中] 我刚知道你生病了,所以下班来看望你。