[中] 我只带了一些衣物和我的笔记本电脑。
[英] The only things I brought were my own clothes and my notebook computer.
[方] 我只比左首付,剩低系按揭嘅。
[中] 我只付了首付,余额是按揭付的。
[中] 我买到了明晚的音乐会入场券,愿意和我一起去吗?
[英] I've got the concert tickets for tomorrow evening, would you like to come with me?
[中] 我想去买个U盘,你可以和我一起去吗?
[中] 我有两张洗澡票,今天和我一起去洗澡吗?
[中] 我买好了,两盒西洋参,五斤苹果,还有十只蟹带去。
[方] 我要执左D邋遢衫。
[中] 我要收拾脏衣物。
[英] I am going to clean up the dirty laundry.
[方] 我买多D,可唔可以再平D啊?
[中] 我多买一些,可以再便宜点吗?
[中] 您现在有时间吗?我需要请教您一些问题。
[英] Do you have a minute? I have a question I'd like you to help with.
[中] 这只箱子要特别小心,因为里面是陶器和瓷器,还有镜框等等。
[中] 我要在这儿住几个月,拜访一些亲戚。
[方] 你本人嘅身份证带左黎未啊?
[中] 你本人的身份证带来了吗?
[方] 呢几日带比你好多麻烦。
[中] 几天来给你添了很多麻烦。
[英] I'm sorry that I have burdened you with a lot of extra troubles these few days.
[中] 今晚请你帮我把这些DVD碟片带回去。
[中] 我这是统货,你要挑的话,就只能卖十元五斤。
[方] 甘我再加两只!
[中] 那么再加我两只!
[方] 带埋你先生离我度玩啦。
[中] 请带上你的先生到我这来玩吧。
[英] Please come with your husband and have fun.
[方] 请你帮我带一份今日嘅报纸。
[中] 请你帮我带一份今天的报纸。
[英] Please bring a piece of today's newspaper for me.
[方] 边个可以帮我罗一下只杯?
[中] 谁能帮我拿一下杯子?
[英] Who can fetch me the cup?
[方] 好嘅,要我带D乜嘢吗?
[中] 好的,需要我带些什么吗?
[英] Ok, what shall I bring along with?